"Wet January" (or: "Holy S**t, Our Generation Drinks A Lot")


Ok, so, what had happened was, I was gonna do the whole dry January thing.

But then the Capitol came under siege for the first time since 1814. And the President was impeached again. And we crossed the 400,000 COVID death total. And the stock market forgot to take its medication.

Eventually, it became pretty clear that this was simply no time to be sober. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em… and given that 2021 is acting as drunk as last year, I figured I might as well attend the party.

And my god, dude… it sure is some party. If you’ve ever had second thoughts about the viability of our whiskey business, let me allay your anxieties with this pull-quote from USA Today:

[M]illennials spend about $300 a month on alcohol or about $56 per outing. By comparison, Gen Xers and boomers said they spend $151 and $97, respectively, on booze each month. Dining out plays a big role in these costs, as 58% of millennials surveyed order alcohol or an alcoholic beverage when they eat out.

The commercial imperative is pretty clear, bud: we need to get our spirits onto drinks menus as soon as possible.

Until then, though, I’m perfectly content drinking alone at home until the madness stops. But, just for kicks, below I’ve included a stock photo of some mask-less millennials kicking ‘em back like the world isn’t fire.
